Tuesday, May 3, 2011

7 defining influences: #1 The tapes

When I was 9 or 10 years old some neighours bought a new stereo. As a result, their old tapes sounded like shit and instead of just throwing them away they gave them to me.

A whole bag full of tapes. Tape after tape of recordings with Johny Cash, ELO, Dolly Parton and - the Beatles.

I know I know - half of you are thinking bla bla bla yeah yeah yeah, can't we ever stop talking about those pompous English guys? (The other half are thinking "of course, what else".)

Learning to like and understand the Beatles was instrumental in helping med develop my taste in and fascination of brilliantly written and well performed music. Initially mostly charmed by the earlier albums it took some work getting used to the more advanced music that came from Rubber Soul and onwards.

I remember a dinner party about 10 years ago. A close friend in to hard rock laughed when I attributed most modern music to the Beatles and said "I can't see why everybody is so full of the Beatles!  What did they ever do except yeah yeah yeah and do do do?"

I quickly sat him down and played three tracks, in this order:

Yeah, yeah yeah!

Previous defining influences or influencers:
7. First singles
6. In the car
5. The collective
4. The stranger
3. DJ
2. Jerome

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