Saturday, March 26, 2011

7 defining influences: #2 Jerome

It's taken a while for me to write this post. Partly, I've been busy. But mostly, I think it has to do with the emotions I associate with growing up in Manila and some of the friends I had at the time.

When I came to the International School of Manila (ISM) as a 14 year old I was very into music, and very much into pop. I liked some alternative pop, but I wasn't a big fan of rock. In fact, I remember how some "bad boys" hanging around a juke box with torn jeans jackets (with Rolling Stones markings) had hassled me in Geneva before leaving for Manila. (I think they stared at me when I went in to a cafĂ© to buy gum.) Obviously, rock was for bad people.

At ISM, I quickly became friends with Jerome, a Dutch chap in my home room who also shared a few of my classes. At ISM (and many other schools I attended), your identity was to a certain extent based upon where you came from. Jerome's gang was made up of a few Germans, two Norwegians, one Australian, a few Filipinos and a hand full of Americans. In this gang there was a continuous battle between the Europeans and the Americans about politics, cars, food, history and - music.

I hardly need to point out that European music was better than American music...

I realize now that Jerome was into quite advanced music for his (our) age. Apart from introducing me to the Smiths and the Cult I remember him playing Anne Clark:

Jerome also shared my interest for lyrics and we could spend a lot of time (mostly during our Economics class) discussing the angst in Morrissey's lyrics or imagery in Bono's. I may have missed out on the exact explanation behind the kinked demand curve but excelled att text analysis... Also, we thought we were very cool.

One big step I took holding Jeromes hand was towards guitars. U2 and the Cult were big steps, and when the Cult released their third album Electric they moved from alternative rock to more 70's inspired hard rock, a step I initially was uncomfortable with. But the lyrics helped me find my footing and soon I was singing along to Peace Dog and Lil' Devil.

I haven't met Jerome since 1988. I wonder if he still listens to music. I do, partly thanks to him.

Previous defining influences or influencers:
7. First singles
6. In the car
5. The collective
4. The stranger
3. DJ

Remaining defining influences or influencers:
1. The tapes

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