Saturday, February 26, 2011

7 defining influences: #4 The stranger

This the is countdown of the seven most important influences or influencers that formed me and who I am today - when it comes to music.

I'm not sure if it was in 11th or 12th grade, but at some point we read Albert Camus' "The Stranger" in my literature class. I remember sitting in class (with favorite teacher Mrs Valdes) discussing various passages out of the book. At some point, it dawned on me that the song "Killing an arab" must be about the book.

I listened carefully to the song and discovered that the lyrics quite accurately describe the murder scene and Mersault's subsequent existential torments. Any uncertainty was resolved by the final words Robert Smith says (quietly): "I am Mersault".

I wrote a paper comparing Camus' writing technique to the song and was allowed to bring a tape with the song to class to include in my presentation.

Imagine the scene: 20 or so relatively serious students in a classroom (the typical multinational mix you would expect in an international school somewhere in Asia). I'm wearing white trousers and a light blue t-shirt with the Rossignol brand on my chest. Yes, I was very serious about my position as the European sports jock - not that I made any varsity teams (but then alpine skiing was one sport I at least could pretend that I would have been really good at...).

So, one minute I'm that guy, the next minute half the class is staring wide eyed at me, and Eric (I think his name was) exclaims "You listen to THIS type of music?!?".

And I realise, right then and there, that music was the platform I needed to build my personal brand. 

Yes, I listen to that type of music.

I don't think I ever wore that Rossignol t-shirt again.

Album version (with "I am Mersault" 2:07 into the song, listen very carefully), poor quality.

Single version

Previous defining influences or influencers:
7. First singles
5. The collective

Remaining defining influences or influencers:
3. DJ
2. Jerome
1. The tapes

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