Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shiny happy people

I used to be quite the ornithologist and could go off for walks with close friend J. to enjoy nature, silence and friendship.

In Swedish, the Kite is called "glada" which is near to the Swedish word "glad": happy. Since we are such crazy and unpredictable funny guys, we would start singing "Shiny happy people" every time we saw a Kite.

After helping launch the indie music movement and putting out some 4 or 5 incredible albums, R.E.M. lost some (all?) of their initial momentum but developed an uncanny talent for creating songs that were so brilliantly likable that they could make me cry.

Bur after having heard the song 3 times I would be bored, and after three more I needed to cry again.

After spending some time with Radiohead's "The King of Limbs" I realize that they are the exact opposite of the R.E.M. of today. It takes time to understand and appreciate their music - but it lasts.

In fact, the first single, "Lotus Flower", has grown so much on me that I can't even begin to understand how I didn't come to love it from the start.

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