Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coolest guy in the band

I've always thought of the base player as the coolest guy/gal in a band.

Partly because it appeals to my own ego. Singers and lead guitar players tend to get a lot of the attention while the base players hang out in the background, quietly content with a cigarette and a cold beer.

But mostly because the base sounds so cool. And many of the bands I learned to love as a teenager built their songs around strong, melodic hooks played on the base guitar.

One good example. Another. Don't get it? Buy better headphones.

Ah, those 80's...


  1. Thanx,every word is true, we are the forgotten people. Here is an old pal of mine.

  2. Like his clothes. Have you got any footage of yourself, Lennart?

  3. Sorry only play live. :-)
